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Decision Making (if, if else)

In programming, there may arise a situation where we may need to run a block of code among multiple alternatives.

For example,

assigning grades A, B, or C based on the marks obtained by the student.

In such situations, we use the if statement to create programs that can make decisions.

If Statement :

● The syntax of the if statement Is:

If(testCondition) {

// code to execute


The if statement evaluates the testCondition like: age >= 18

If the testCondition evaluates to

True – the body of the if statement is executed

False – the body of the if statement is skipped

Let’s see a working example next.

Example 1: if Statement

● This program checks whether a number is negative or not.

if else Statement :

● The if statement can have an optional else clause.

Its syntax is:

If (testCondition) {

// body of if


else {

// body of else


How if…else works?

The program evaluates the testCondition. If the testCondition evaluates to

True – the body of if is executed

False – the body of else Is executed


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